(Col. 1:9, 10)
Ọna ọre ọ si ẹre ne a na miẹn wẹẹ, ke ne ima ya họn ẹmwẹ uwa gha dee, ẹghẹ hia ọre ima ya na erhunmwu ne uwa. Ma rinmwian Osanobua ne ọ ya irẹnmwi emwi ne ọ ho vọn uwa, deba ẹwaẹn kevbe irẹnmwi ne Orhiọn rẹn rhie ne ọmwa.
That is also why from the day we heard of it, we have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension,
10 Ẹghẹ nii, wa ghi sẹtin do gha yin vbene Nọyaẹnmwa ho, wa ghi vbe gha ru emwi ne ọ yẹ ọre. Ẹdẹ agbọn uwa ghi do gha mọ ọmọ iwinna ne ọ maan ughughan hia, wa ghi vbe gha wan yọ vbe uwu vbe ne uwa rẹn Osanobua hẹ.
10 so as to walk worthily of Jehovah* in order to please him fully as you go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God;
See App. A5.
(Col. 2:8)
Wa ghẹ gie ọmwakọmwa ya ẹwaẹn akuọkan ne agbọn ya rẹrẹ ọmwa mu uwa oghunmwu, iruẹmwi la obọ dinna obọ, ọghe emwa, ẹre ọ ke rre, kevbe obọ avbe eniwanrẹn asọn ni da kha vbe avbe ideghedeghe agbọn vbe ẹrinmwi, ighẹ ẹi re obọ Kristi.
Wa ghẹ gie ọmwakọmwa ya ẹwaẹn akuọkan ne agbọn ya rẹrẹ ọmwa mu uwa oghunmwu, iruẹmwi la obọ dinna obọ, ọghe emwa, ẹre ọ ke rre, kevbe obọ avbe eniwanrẹn asọn ni da kha vbe avbe idighedeghe agbọn vbe ẹrinmwi, ighẹ ẹi re obọ Kristi.
Look out that no one takes you captive* by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ;
Or “carries you off as his prey.”
(Col. 2:13, 14)
Vbe ẹghẹ ọkpa, wa hia keghi wulo vbe ekpa ọghe orhiọn, rhunmwuda orukhọ ne uwa ru, kevbe rhunmwuda wẹ, wa kegha re emwa ne ẹi re Ju ni vbe lahin uwu nene Uhi rre. Sokpan, banbanna nian, Osanobua viọ uwa gha die arrọọ nẹ vbe uwu Kristi. Osanobua ye orukhọ ima hia bọ ima.
Furthermore, though you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcised state of your flesh, God made you alive together with him. He kindly forgave us all our trespasses
14 Ọ keghi khiẹn ẹnrẹn ruan ighẹ ebe ne a te ya gbẹnnẹ osa ne ima re ye ima urhu, kẹe kevbe ilele ne a te ya gbalọ mwa, ọ keghi wa wabọ ẹre rua fẹẹrẹ, vbe ekpa ne ọ na kan rẹn mu ugbugbe.
14 and erased* the handwritten document that consisted of decrees and was in opposition to us. He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.*
Or “blotted out.”
See Glossary.
(Col. 3:9-12)
Wa ghẹ gha ta ohoghe ma egbe, rhunmwuda, wa ban egbe nẹdẹ mu fua nẹ, kẹ kevbe uyinmwẹ ọnrẹn.
Do not lie to one another. Strip off the old personality* with its practices,
10 Wa keghi vbe mu ọghọgbọn yọ, ọnọna ọrọre ọmwa ọgbọn nii ne Osanobua nọ yi ẹre fi werriẹ, khian ama ọghẹe, nọ miẹn ehe na do gie uwa rẹn irẹn fo.
10 and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it,
11 Rhunmwuda ọnọna nian, ọmwa nẹi re Ju ra ọmwa nọ re Ju i ghi rrọọ, nọ rhuẹre ra ne ọ ma rhuẹ, ighọnmighọn, edigue aranmwẹ oha, eviẹn ra iran ni yan egbe iran ẹi ghi rrọọ, sokpan Kristi ọrọre ehia, Kristi rre uwu iran hia!
11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythʹi·an,* slave, or freeman; but Christ is all things and in all.
12 Emwa Osanobua ọre uwa khin, ọ hoẹmwẹ uwa, ọ keghi vbe hannọ uwa zẹ ne ọ ya ru ọghẹe, rhunmwuda ọni, wa gha mwe ekhọe agiẹngiẹn, itohan, imuegberriotọ, ọmẹhẹ, ufumwẹ kevbe izinegbe.
12 Accordingly, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility,* mildness, and patience.
Lit., “man.”
“Scythian” implied an uncivilized person.
Or “lowliness of mind.”
(Col. 3:9)
Wa ghẹ gha ta ohoghe ma egbe, rhunmwuda, wa ban egbe nẹdẹ mu fua nẹ, kẹe kevbe uyinmwẹ ọnrẹn.
Do not lie to one another. Strip off the old personality* with its practices,
Lit., “man.”
(Col. 3:10, 11)
Wa keghi vbe mu ọghọgbọn yọ, ọnọna ọrọre ọmwa ọgbọn nii ne Osanobua nọ yi ẹre fi werriẹ, khian ama ọghẹe, nọ miẹn ehe na do gie uwa rẹn irẹn fo.
and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it,
11 Rhunmwuda ọnọna nian, ọmwa nẹi re Ju ra ọmwa nọ re Ju i ghi rrọọ, nọ rhuẹre ra nọ ma rhuẹ, ighọnmighọn, edigue, aranmwẹ oha, eviẹn ra iran ni yan egbe iran ẹi ghi rrọọ, sokpan e Kristi ọrọre ehia, e Kristi rre uwu iran hia!
11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythʹi·an,* slave, or freeman; but Christ is all things and in all.
“Scythian” implied an uncivilized person.
(Col. 3:12-14)
Emwa Osanobua ọre uwa khin, ọ hoẹmwẹ uwa, ọ keghi vbe hannọ uwa zẹ ne ọ ya ru ọghẹe, rhunmwuda ọnii, wa gha mwẹ ekhọe agiẹngiẹn, itohan imuegberriotọ, ọmẹhẹ, ufumwẹ kevbe izinegbe.
Accordingly, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility,* mildness, and patience.
13 Wa gha ye egbe obọ, wa gha ya bọ egbe, deghe ọmwakọmwa kevbe ogieva ẹre gba muan egbe ẹmwẹ, wa ghi gha ya bọ egbe, zẹ vbene Kristi vbe ya bọ uwa.
13 Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah* freely forgave you, you must also do the same.
14 Wa ghi rhie ba ena hia, ahoẹmwọmwa ne ọre ọza ne ọ gba emwi hia kugbe vbe akugbe ne ọ gbae.
14 But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.
Or “lowliness of mind.”
See App. A5.
Wa gha mu emwi ne etẹn ru wuegbe, wa gha yabọ egbe, deghẹ ọmwaikọmwa kevbe ogieva ẹre gba muan egbe ẹmwẹ, wa ghi gha yabọ egbe, zẹ vbene Kristi vbe yabọ uwa.
(Col. 3:13)
Wa gha ye egbe obọ, wa gha ya bọ egbe, deghẹ ọmwaikọmwa kevbe ogieva ẹre gba muan egbe ẹmwẹ, wa ghi gha ya bọ egbe, zẹvbe ne Kristi vbe ya bọ uwa.
Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah* freely forgave you, you must also do the same.
See App. A5.
(Col. 3:15)
Ọfumwegbe ne Kristi rhie ne ọmwa, ẹre ọ kere nọ gha re nọ buohiẹn vbe uwu ekhọe uwa, rhunmwuda, ọfumwegbe na ọre Osanobua tie uwa kugbe ba vbe ẹgbẹe ọkpa nii. Wa vbe gha kpọnmwẹ.
Ọfunmwegbe ne Kristi rhie ne ọmwa, ẹre ọ kere ne ọ gha re ne ọ buohiẹn vbuwe ekhọe uwa, rhunmwuda, ọfunmwegbe na ọre Osanobua tie uwa kugbe ba vbe ẹgbẹe ọkpa nii. Wa vbe gha kpọnmwẹ.
Ọfunmwegbe ne Kristi rhie ne ọmwa, ẹre ọ kere ne ọ gha re nọ buohiẹn vbuwe ekhọe uwa, rhunmwuda, ọfunmwegbe na ọre Osanobua tie uwa kugbe ba vbe ẹgbẹe ọkpa nii. Wa vbe gha kpọnmwẹ.
Ọfunmwegbe ne Kristi rhie ne ọmwa, ẹre ọ kere nọ gha re nọ buohiẹn vbuwe ekhọe uwa, rhunmwuda, ọfunmwegbe na ẹre Osanobua tie uwa kugbe ba vbe ẹgbẹe ọkpa nii. Wa vbe gha kpọnmwẹ.
Also, let the peace of the Christ rule in your hearts,* for you were called to that peace in one body. And show yourselves thankful.
Or “control your hearts.”
(Col. 3:16)
Wa gie ikporhu e Kristi kẹ kevbe uvuọnmwẹ ọnrẹn gha rre ekhọe uwa. Wa gha ya ẹwaẹn ma egbe emwi, ne uwa vbe gha yae bu egbe ude. Wa gha ya e Psalm so ihuan, wa gha so ihuan kevbe ihuan ni huanrẹn, wa gha ya ekhọe oghọghọ so ihuan ghe Osanobua uwa.
Let the word of the Christ reside in you richly in all wisdom. Keep on teaching and encouraging* one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude,* singing in your hearts to Jehovah.*
Or “admonishing.”
Or “graciousness.”
See App. A5.
(Col. 3:19-21)
Wa ne ikpia, wa gha hoẹmwẹ amwẹ uwa, wa ghẹ gha khọ mu iran.
You husbands, keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry* with them.
20 Wa ne emọ, te ọ khẹke uwa, zẹ vbe emwa ni ya Kristi yi, ne uwa gha họn ẹmwẹ ne avbe evbibiẹ uwa ẹghẹ hia, rhunmwuda, ọnii ẹre ọ yẹẹ Osanobua.
20 You children, be obedient to your parents in everything, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.
21 Wa ne evbibiẹ emọ, wa ghẹ gha ye ukpẹ gbe ivbi uwa ne egbe ghẹ ya wọ iran.
21 You fathers, do not be exasperating* your children, so that they do not become downhearted.*
Or “be harsh.”
Or “provoking; irritating.”
Or “discouraged.”
(Col. 3:23)
Emwi ke emwi ne uwa rhirhi gha ru, wa ye ẹtin uwa hia gha ru ẹre, vbene a miẹn wẹẹ Nọyaẹnmwa ẹre uwa winna na ighẹ ẹi re ọmwa kẹkan.
Emwikemwi ne uwa rhirhi gha ru, wa ye ẹtin uwa hia gha ruẹ, vbene a miẹn wẹẹ Nọyaẹnmwa ẹre uwa winna na ighẹ ẹi re ọmwa kẹkan.
Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled* as for Jehovah,* and not for men,
See Glossary, “Soul.”
See App. A5.
(Col. 4:12)
Ẹpafras ne ọ vbe re ọkpa vbuwe uwa, kevbe ne ọ vbe re ọguọmwadia Jesu Kristi we uwa do. Ẹghẹ hia ẹre ọ wa ya kakabọ na erhunmwu ne uwa, ọ ghi gha rinmwian Osanobua ne ọ gie uwa mudia gbain, ne uwa si uwan, ne ọ la uwa ekhọe fo, vbe uwu ne a na wa ru iho ẹre.
Epʹa·phras, a slave of Christ Jesus who is from among you, sends you his greetings. He is always exerting himself in your behalf in his prayers, so that you may finally stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God.